It's The Marvel Of The Age

Another rainy day, another Gerry Anderson vehicles painting. I said yesterday that the next painting I do will show Gerry Anderson's influence upon a Disney character. Well, take a look at Stitch's spaceship. Pretty similar, don't you think? (It was my daughter who tipped me off to this; she's as bad as me for seeing connections everywhere.)

Whenever I see things like Supercar, I am always reminded of William Gibson's marvelous short story, The Gernsback Continuum. In that story, a photographer is hired to photograph examples of 1930s period futurist architecture. As he does so, he begins to slip into a parallel universe characterised by period Golden Age science fiction like Fritz Lang's Metropolis, Flash Gordon and H.G. Wells, with flying cars, dazzling white sky scrapers and gleaming robots, as well as hints of Nazi Germany and the Hitler Youth. Desperate to remain in his familiar 20th century continuum, he is advised to immerse himself in TV, pornography and grimy sensationalist news stories. I wonder ...... which time line would I prefer?

Supercar Song

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