
By Cumbrialass


I found this figure hanging in our hedge. I soaked him overnight in anti bac and decided hed do for a Tiny people challenge.. I'm not sure if there is one now! Anyway , while messing around with him on my indoor plant basket I realised the ivy was covered in black  fly. So thank you for alerting me tiny ( rather scary ) figure . Your reward is to be featured in a blip.  The plant is now outside having been sprayed with Rose clear. 

A wet grey day. 
Spent a depressing half hour in Amazon looking for a face mask for M.... for "just in case". So far we are avoiding anywhere where we need a mask but things may get worse before it gets better and better to have one than not.. in the hope it wont be needed. Never would I have imagined that face masks woild become a fashion item.  I still find them unnerving. The irony that most of the masks are made in China has not escaped me!

The rain eased off so I took Fletch up to the park, which was quiet although there were still children  and adults in the playground. Nobody seemed to be wearing a mask or worrying about social distancing.

I do hope people dont get too complacent. Already pubs have had to close because some customers have been tested Covid positive, which infers they may have already felt unwell when they chose to go to the pub.

My Great-neice/nephew is due today. So far no sign. Our family arent the best time keepers!

As always thank you for the stars and lovely comments. Stay safe everyone.

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