beauty at Buttermere

We’ve got this habit of being overambitious when it comes to walking. We headed out to bag 5 Wainwright’s but went against our natural inclination and made the right decision for little legs and managed 3. The hills surrounding Buttermere are so glorious, you can forgive them for the moments of vague peril (to be fair, I can’t blame the hills for the terror of shepherding Zeke - who is even wilder than usual having lost the grasp of how long his limbs are after a growth spurt)!

As usual, the clamber down the scree sent Eve to the edge of meltdown whilst taking Zeke to his happy place (he pretends he’s surfing). We were all ready for tea in the pub having previously agreed we weren’t going to the pub so soon after the end of lockdown.


1. These lakes and mountains that restore my soul (and sometimes stretch it too);
2. Amazing children coping with a day out walking, as they always do. My watch had recorded 35k steps - they’ll have done many more with their little legs;
3. Fish and chips.

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