Out With Loulou

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

I am not going to talk about my day today. My day today was pretty dull. I stayed in the house and did some work and some podcasting and some cat-caring but that was it. 

Meanwhile Caro had a BIG day of it. She was busy as soon as she got up. Here are the things she had on her to-do list:

1. Be given cat-sitting instructions by Loulou, as she and Tiger may be called away at any moment for an expected family bereavement.

2. Go to Mitre 10 with Loulou to pick up more DIY stuff.

3. Supervise tree-felling of a tree on the side of our house.

4. Supervise blind-fitting in our living room.

5. Pop next door to see our neighbour to hand over some parcels we intercepted for her.

Of course, it all went to pot. The tree fellers arrived while she was still at Mitre 10 and the blind fitter arrived two hours early. But everything got done in the end.

Still Caro always enjoys her time with Loulou. Although they make an odd pair. Loulou is a happy hippy with a foul mouth and Caro is a Real Housewife with a foul mouth. 

Maybe not such an odd pair after all. 

Certainly the man in Mitre 10 didn't think so when they asked his advice about the right equipment for yard work. 

"And do you two have children?" he asked.

"No, no, just cats," said Loulou.

"Two of them, little rescue cats!" replied Caro.

He carried on chatting to them when Loulou said. "He thinks we're together, doesn't he?" 

Caro admitted that's what she was assuming too. But that they should just go with it. "Let's face it, if there IS any DIY to do, it would us doing it," she continued.

It's a fair point. Me and Tiger are both "creatives" who bruise easily. There will be no sawing or painting or sanding or what-not from us.

I'm glad all four of us are comfortable with this. "So long as the man in Mitre 10 thinks I'm the pretty one," said Caro.

On returning home, Caro was delighted with her new blinds which are very flash and go SWOOOOSH like there's a little motor inside when you lower them. (There isn't, but it sounds like there is). But she didn't get much chance to check them out before it was time to visit the neighbour, Rach.

Caro is SUCH a neighbour. She knows all the gossip! I have no idea. But Caro has gleaned that Rach is going through a messy divorce right now with one of those "Dirty John" type husbands who is ripping her off. 

She and Martin (our other neighbour) have been swapping intel. And they know that Dirty John moved out this week. So Rach was apparently glad of the company and showed Caro all around her house. 

It was while Caro was taking the tour, she noticed something odd. Rach had lots of egg-boxes stacked up on top of her fridge, ready for recycling, Caro assumed. But someone had very carefully taken the time to write the word "C***" on the occasional box in red pen. 

"So it was like box - box - box - C*** - box - box - C*** - box - C***," Caro explained to me.

We both agreed this was the weirdest, lamest revenge by Rach's husband ever. Why on earth would you take the time to write a naughty word very deliberately on alternate boxes that ARE GOING TO GET THROWN OUT ANYWAY on the off-chance your ex might just notice?

Caro pondered this later, as she had a cup of coffee and admired her blinds. SWOOSH. 

I love being married to Loulou's Life Partner. She gets the job done.


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