Another job .....
....... jobbed!
Paper work I'd put off for the last 3/4 months now sorted . I did my ironing this morning , made some important phone calls and had a long Face Time chat with my friend and another with my daughter ( up north) . We've had rain most of the day so a good day to do some jobs that had been put off for so long.
My nieces daughter had a baby girl at 12.45 pm all safe and well. So that's a relief for them . ( living in S. Wales I'm sure they're pleased that lockdown has been relaxed!)
Some one called yesterday cutting hedges, thought this would be an opportunity to get mine done . Foolish lady , I should have known better , a shoddy job and one part of the hedge not cut at all. As it was raining I didn't get out to correct it may be tomorrow will be better.
Hope you've managed to have a pleasant and safe day folks.
Grateful ....,. for the safe delivery of my great/ great niece!! Guess that makes me a great / great auntie!!
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