The Artist's Eye

By ArtistAnnie

Estuary - Ink and Watercolor - 12 by 9 inches

Tuesday's assignment was to create a landscape painting based on sight, not a photo, with a series of limits on how to do it. I walked down Harris Street to the estuary and made a pencil drawing of this scene as I stood on the sidewalk looking down on this view. I made a small sketch first and then drew this in pencil. I took some photos for reference. When I got home I made a pen and ink drawing over the pencil. Today I painted it. The requirements were: foreground in oranges, middle ground in violets, background in blues. Values all right around middle gray, just one step lighter and one step darker allowed. I decided to do mine in watercolor rather than oils. And this is it. I'll post its origins in the extras.

I called Helena, my step-daughter, and we had a great talk. And I called my childhood best friend Larana. We hadn't talked in years and I was in the mood to reconnect. We also had a good conversation. I hope to repeat that again soon.

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