
By DramaQueen

Hanging around

So there I was, minding my own business, when all of a sudden our wind chimes went clang. I should have know why!

I’ve got to admire our squirrels for their ingenuity. I watched this one for a good 10 minutes as he tried to work out just how to get to the fat ball feeder.

First up was climbing onto the patio roof (which was quite comical, seeing his shadow and hearing the pitter patter of feet up and down). Then back to the hanging basket to eye up the feeder again for a couple of minutes.
Giving up clearly wasn’t an option for this little guy and with a massive leap, he launched himself at the feeder, clanging the wind chime again as he passed.
My standing at the patio door didn’t bother him in the slightest; I got a defiant, yet triumphant look from him as he gnawed away....cheeky little sod!
As much as we’ve missed seeing the squirrels (we have been purposely not putting food out for them), they are a very destructive force; several of our plant pots have been destroyed with their climbing/launching antics. Another pot had some poppy seedlings in; they’ve all gone as the squirrels decided that was a great place to dig and hide peanuts.
Time to make life more difficult I think :-/

DQ x

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