Good social distancing

Went and collected my printer, cost of the repair £15!!!! I've printed off some photos and they are fab. I have decided I still want one that will print A3. 
I had a timed ticket to Dunham Massey, I had a fabulous walk round the deer park and then in the garden. I went in the rose garden, it still smelled beautiful but the roses were almost over. It was so nice going somewhere lovely to walk. Everyone moved out of each other's way keeping socially distanced. Lots of deer about which was nice to see. Saw a couple of people wearing masks but most people didn't. 
It's the first day it hasn't rained in about 2 weeks! still cold for the time of year, my heating actually came on!
Thank you for the lovely comments on the cyanotype. Several have asked how to do it. 
I bought 2 liquids from the person who gave the camera club the talk. I mix in the dark(or at least low light) equal amounts. She suggested you use a medicine spoon (mixing small amounts as it goes off when mixed). I painted a couple of sheets of matte photo paper with the liquid and left them to dry. I keep them in a closed box no light on them until I'm ready. I've collected grasses, leaves and flower heads to use. When I want to do a picture I get out a piece of painted paper and put the grass, leaves etc on it. I use an old clip frame to put the paper on. when I have finished putting whatever on the paper including spots of white vinegar, turmeric or paprika. Cover with glass and press it down. The glass is kept on with bulldog clips. When it has been exposed to the light for as long as I want (I left it hours) take off the flora and wash the paper (I use a deep tray) swilling the water over it. Keep changing the water until it runs clear. I hang the picture in my studio on a clothes airer. I take photos with my phone through the process and like the different colours. Hope this helps.

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