Missed opportunities

When I sprang from my bed like a startled gazelle this morning I glanced out of the window. There, in the field, were half-a-dozen cattle. They were the big shaggy type with wide pointy horns. "That", I thought, "is today's blip sorted". But by the time I was showered and dressed they were gone. They've probably wandered down to the other end of the field which is beyond a high hedge. So I'm afraid that you are stuck with my washing. I was pleased to get a few batches of washing done and pegged out on Tuesday. I was less pleased when I woke to the sound of rain on Wednesday and there the washing stays - a few bath towels and a pile of rubbers. I bet you call them tea-towels but to me, they are rubbers, things used as oven cloths and for wiping down worktops and for mopping up spills. I don't know if chefs still call them rubbers but that's what they were called in most of the places I worked.

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