
By karisfitch

To Love and to Listen

Today’s Bible reading was about listening. Opened with a quote from Paul Tillich:

“The first duty of love is to listen.”

Last year, I felt God prompting me to listen to others for the purpose of understanding them, rather than mainly for the sake of replying. It’s still a challenge!
This year, He’s been gently encouraging me to listen to Him - not to put words in His mouth, or assume the thoughts on His mind. But to allow Him to be who He is. I have a long way to go in that too. Thank you that you help us, Father.

Was reading some more of the book on Dementia this evening - a chapter titled “Becoming Friends with Time”. It talks a lot about the profound meaning and value, in just being with someone. One of the ways in which God Ioves us, is by being present with us. Maybe it’s a way that we can listen to, and love those who struggle to communicate in the way our world demands.


- Catching up with family back home. Parents who love me better than I could ever ask for.
- Joy from a FaceTime before bed :-)
- This time with Rebekah, conversations over dinner
- Time to rest and enjoy just being with God, without any agenda, without the pressure of deadlines
- Enjoying the buzz of the market, so close to our flat - the freshness of the food and friendliness of the people.
- Exploring more of this exciting city, always new things to see
- Hot water bottles!

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