Whats he doing up that tree

I took this the other day and unfortunately the wind has blown it down. I think he will be back up though when the weather changes.

Took Molly a walk. Then went shopping  to Rothwell into Savers, B & M, Boots then big shop at Morrisons. Then took Tanzy a good walk on the way home. It rained all day that fine drizzle that wets you through. 

Tired when we got home so a late lunch then later an afternoon coffee with doughnuts with custard in them.

We had ordered some of the tablets for Molly from the internet on Tuesday when we got the prescription from the vet, but had to get 5 tablets to tied us over till they come, which cost £15.83. which is outrageous because we can get 30 from the internet (a proper reg animal medication company) and even with the £12 for the prescription doesn't come anywhere near that, it's about £26 that includes the prescription and the prescription is for 3 months so will be even less. I told the receptionist and she said I know but we can't compete with them.

Tomorrow I am having a quiet day I have decided.

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