Going Rogue
I went to the Patuxent North tract this morning, part of the Patuxent Wildlife Research Refuge, which is one of my favorite summer photography destinations. During normal times, the Rangers at the station put out 6-8 hummingbird feeders in the pollinator garden and there are dozens of hummingbirds flying around in a feeding frenzy and always at least a few photographers snapping away.
When I got there today, there was only one feeder, placed in the least strategic spot for a good photo, only a few hummingbirds and no photographers. Of all the shots, the only one I got in flight and in focus was this scruffy looker. As I was packing up to leave, the Ranger asked me how I did and told me that they had been instructed to put no feeders out this year in order to discourage the photographers from gathering during the pandemic. He said that he had gone rogue a few days before and decided to put out a single feeder and he was hoping the word would get out to the hummers so they would return.
I have my feeders out at home but have seen very few hummingbirds this year and I haven't seen many butterflies either. These year-to-year variations always puzzle me.
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