Off Piste,,,,,

We had a wonderful day at The Snow Farm today,
There was pianolady, Tuner, acyclinggranny, and The Boss and ME and The Boss said that it was the best snow we had seen in a while. He loves going Off Piste and the little squeaking sound that his snowshoes make when walking in a couple of inches into fresh soft snow. 
Check out the extras and everything in LARGE 
--Tuner admiring the view from the top
--The Boss's shoes having an affair with the snow. 
Full facilities  were unfortunately not available at the moment so the usual hot chocolate and lattes were off but Hot baths are featuring in his future along no doubt with the sound of sawing wood.....
I had a lovely time but wished I had brought my dark glasses as everything was very bright. The Boss had his new photochromatic specs which go completely berserk in the cold and he had to look over the top of them to take these  pics. 
Tiny....Slightly Tuckered....

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