Hydrangea blue and purple

"Hydrangeas are more than just pretty to look at. They have some surprising tricks up their leaves that make them a fascinating plant to novices and experts alike. Check out the facts below!
The different colors hydrangea blossoms display are directly related to the levels of acidity in the soil. To bloom in a vibrant to soft baby blue, the hydrangea needs acidic soil with a pH level below 5.5. For purple hydrangeas, the ideal pH level has to be anywhere from 5.5. to 6.5. Hydrangeas that are grown in soil with pH levels above 7 bloom in pink and even red. Grounds with different levels of acidity nearby can lead to beautiful color washes even within the same flowerheads." ProFlowers

For the Record,
This day came in hot and incredibly humid. Tropical storm Fay is on the way with rain and wind.

All hands wary

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