Young Robin
Not a brilliant photo because it was an unplanned photo with my quite old mobile! And the light was in the wrong place. A while back every time I topped up my hanging bird feeder with a special home-made bird mix, a robin always appeared, as if he had been waiting for me, and took food and flew off with it. He went down the side of my house through to the front so I imagined he/she had a nest somewhere. Today when I saw a robin appearing I thought it was the usual one, but this is a young one - so his parents must have taught him where to find the best food!
With just my mobile I was able to get quite close! The special food mix is basic porridge oats, mixed with melted margarine and with raisins and sunflower hearts mixed in. Robins, chaffinches, blue tits, sparrows and blackbirds all seem to love it.
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