Blue Wall

Some days you just give in, and it turns out good. I was busy in the garden, thinking of how much I was going to get done, when I could see Eric was working up to get my help with a garage project. I balked at first (why can't he ever ask for help ahead of time!), but then bought into the idea, and off we went to Lowe's to buy LED strip lighting. Being in a fairly busy place is dicey, but everyone was masked and the aisles are wide. My role was to help with the decision; we were in and out in 10 minutes. Then, as I had a nice phone chat with nhc, Eric installed 3 six-foot strips across 3 rafters, and what a difference! maybe I'll post a picture once the garage is all cleaned up; it's been quite a project since finding rats nesting in an ancient car seat way up in those rafters. Ugh, ugh, ugh. I didn't help with the clean up part.
And a happy birthday to MisterS today! Had a nice Zoom chat with him and Soozaday in the morning.

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