Where's The Manual?

I (Annie) was working in Bristol today, and I took Chris' car for the 200 mile round trip. Part way there I went to wash the windscreen of the collected salt, grit and dirt that was making it opaque, only to find no water in the washer. I had time, so I pulled into a service station to buy some washer fluid.

Being a capable young(ish) lady, I set about fixing the problem. It's not exactly high-level engineering - it's just water and detergent poured into a big bottle. But - it not being my car, I'd never opened the bonnet before. No matter, a minute or so of embarrassed hunting and I found the lever.

I went to the front of the bonnet and slid my hand under, feeling for the release catch. I found it, but could I get it open? Ahem. No. By then there were various amused looks coming from the service station forecourt. I couldn't be beaten - my pride would not allow it. I'm technical after all, just possibly less on the practical side.

A couple of minutes later, to my utter disgust, I got the car manual out to look up how to undo the catch. Sorry, womankind - I let you down. But I do now have a clean windscreen.

So the blip is my reminder to myself and the world that sometimes you just need to RTFM. ;)

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