
By EdwardHealey

Ding, ding!

It's Saturday and that means only one thing: Malcolm the Multicharger becomes a beast of extra burden and pairs up with his cheeky little pal Terrence the Trailer...

In reality, it's Saturday and the usual covid inspired chores, do the veg shopping at the farm shop for me and the parents, deliver the butcher's shop to them I did yesterday, collect my non-perishable things I added to their Tesco delivery and go to Loughborough to get all the remainder from Elf Foods.

However... it wouldn't have been half or even a quarter as much fun doing all this by car.

Ding, ding!

Ps in other news mum is rather pleased to report that the turmeric she's recently started taking for her arthritis seems to be having a beneficial effect. This is good to hear as her hands are now so painful she hardly has any grip left.

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