
Up early, cleaned the kitchen, made ramen for dinner and a feta & mushroom omelette for breakfast. My daughter got up and we went round to the vet to collect antibiotics. It looks like her cat has either a kidney infection or IBD. We have a special diet for her, and she is looking much better.

We then went across to my parents house. We are still staying in the garden and exercising significant caution, although I am annoyed my brother plans to come to the Uk in a couple of weeks and go and stay with them. Visiting them would be fine, and great, but I really think staying with them is a step too far at the moment - and its not as if he couldn't stay nearby. 

We came back - Mum had given me rhubarb, so I stewed it with pineapple juice and apples to eat with yoghurt later. 

The kids want to redesign the back garden, but we need space to do that, so I have hired a skip to clear out much of the garage rubbish, which has needed doing for a while. That should arrive Tuesday. 

The photo is a bee at one of the many flowers in my mother's garden. The garden is her joy, and has had a lot of careful attention in the last few months!

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