A life in pictures...

By GuernseyNix


Everyone has one job that they are dreading doing. I have been bothered about this particular problem for years! About 14 years ago, my then husband, made a wardrobe for Charlie. It was in the shape of Dr Who’s Tardis. It stood 5ft tall and was all hand made. It looked brilliant. But now Harry, in whose room it resides, is wanting a proper wardrobe. So today we had to take it apart and get it downstairs. To say that it had been built to withstand a nuclear bomb is not an exaggeration. It took the best part of 2 hours to dismantle it and get it down the stairs!! Thankfully I managed to sell it on Guernsey ebuy and now we can have something newer there! Thank you very much to dad for his help! Oh and by the way, my blip is Pembroke in quarters, not thirds as photographers are supposed to do!

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