Sunday in the Garden
Another lovely, sunny day.....why can't we have more of these in the summer?
After the 12noon family quiz, in which I am pleased to report we didn't come last as usual, in fact we came second, a tightly run race to the finish line......Wizard's Quotes, what a round to end the quiz on!
So lunch and afternoon in the garden. I repotted the three tomato plants, blipped a while back, that must be the first bit of gardening I've done in a long time.....Ann couldn't do it as she was painting our old dilapidated wooden bench to make it look a bit nicer, and it does (still shouldn't sit on it though).
I know it's not Tiny Tuesday but I couldn't resist this little toadstool that had sprung up outside the shed. The extra is a very friendly Robin who came over to show me what he'd caught for his tea (or maybe some nest building material).
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