TaTs - dawg & stuff

By tinksandtonks

Summer 2020 style

Strange week hence the blip drought

culminating yesterday with Kassie refusing to do an "off lead" walk

Anyway today I took my mum to Morrisons - her first time in a supermarket since March 20th - the Friday before the full lockdown (123 days) - she was OK except for randomly stopping in the middle of the ailses blocking people!!

To round her trip off she had a teacake & tea in the cafe - sort of normal.

After that Kassie & I had a walk - today she was she was happy "off lead" and then we went to the pub.  There were 8 people inside watching football - 8 plus me in the garden and Kassie misses the children that should be playing here.

#2020_154 pubs have become adult only again - how strange

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