Pretty ......
...... weeds!
Sorry not meaning to offend folk but they are assigned to the compost.
I've been in the garden for over 3 1/2 hours today ( with breaks) started at 7.45am cutting and bagging trees/ shrubs I cut down last night. Then this afternoon "A" came to lunch and evening meal , he tidied up the privet hedge I'd paid £80 for in the week . Will I ever learn! I continued cutting brambles and vicious roses ( that don't flower!!) and made a large pile that I was going to cut and bag tomorrow. "A" was missing , guess what he was doing the job for me , I've really missed his help, but as he doesn't stay over night at the moment time is of an essence.
We had a brilliant Zoom church again this week from inside the church with the lockdown choir singing and on screen . So lovely to see, hats off to St John's Shirley.
Stay safe everyone and hope you've all enjoyed your Sunday .
Grateful ...... for my brilliant friend " A".
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