Mini Mink
Walking along the beach this morning, the geese began hissing - loudly. I knew that they did not care about me, so looked around for what was bothering them. It was this baby mink. One look at I realized that something was wrong.
It had a fresh wound on its left rear leg so was slowly making its way back to where its den is. I know that there is a mother mink with three little ones, so I suspect that this is one of them. It stopped along the way several times to get a drink of water, once found a morsel of food that it ate, and came and stood on my foot several times, looking up at me. I so desperately wanted to scoop it up and try to help it. Who could resist that sweet face?
However, I also know what vicious killers minks are and how sharp those teeth are! Best I could do was fend off the swans and geese on its journey back home so at least it would have a chance of healing. In Hopefully... In extras, is a photo of it stopping for a drink and another after it ate a morsel of food and paused for a bit before continuing its trek.
On a positive note, we are now getting rain....lots of it. Yay!! Starting to see a little bit of green again. It is coming in the form of thunderstorms though. Makes it a little bit more exciting ;)
Hope you had a great weekend!
Take care.
D x
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