Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Last Day of CELTA (first online one)

Back blip

Well, I survived!   Today was the end of my first fully on-line CELTA course, run over 6 weeks.  It was a very small course, which I'm very grateful for, as it gave me the time to prepare my input sessions for online delivery and meant that I wasn't observing or preparing for teaching practice every day.  I have to say that on the days when I was delivering an input session, giving FB on the previous days' classes, helping the trainees plan for the next days' classes and observing 2 hours of their teaching live online, I was exhausted when I finished in the early afternoon.  I'm not sure I'd like to have to work online from 8.30 till 5.30 every day, as some of my friends do in the current climate.  Then then have to mark assignments and do the dreaded teaching practice points (write skeleton lesson plans for the trainees to follow) in the evening.  This is the typical timetable that I'm used to for a face-to-face course, but the energy is so different! 

Anyway, done and dusted and my next one starts after the weekend on 13th July, with the same school in Switzerland. 

My blip is a quick photo of my screen when the trainees were all presenting fun slides to each other to show their development to mark the end of the course.  They did an amazing job throughout and handled the technology well and delivered some very decent classes.  The classes at both pre-intermediate and upper-intermediate level all had 12 students (adults) in them, so no mean feat. 

For the record top to bottom, they were Jordan, Zuzana, Anna and Caterina - a baby at just 19 years old! 

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