Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2040. MM338 - Together

It's been a while since I have been organised enough to join in Mono Monday and actually today wasn't really any different but I happened to be wearing a bracelet that belonged to my Mother today.  It will be the 6th anniversary of her passing on Saturday and I always try and post an image that reminds me of her or a photo of an old photo I have of her but this year I thought I would look out some of her jewellery that I now have and post a photo of that.

As I was looking at these images of the bracelet I checked out the theme for today and it's "Together".....how I wish we were together but the links on this part of the bracelet reminded me of the "things", memories and thoughts that bind us together forever.  This bracelet was bought for my Mom by a wonderful lady called Kitty.  She is Maltese and when my Mom and Dad were fairly newly married they were posted to Malta as part of his national service with the Fleet Air Arm.  My Mom had an 18 month old (my now estranged sister) and another baby on the way my lovely sister who now lives in Australia.  After my sister was born my Mom and Dad employed a local "girl" to help out at home and there started a friendship that has lasted beyond their passing as I am now in regular contact with Kitty and her family.  My Mom wore this bracelet every day from the time that Kitty gave it to her in the 1980's during one of many visits we made to see the family there.  She was wearing it the day she passed away and with the agreement of my sister and brother I asked if I could take it.  This way, Mom and I are always together and I always remember her dearest friend, Kitty also.  Kitty is in her 80's now and doing well, she phoned me at the start of the virus outbrreak to make sure we were ok and I am overdue a long letter to her which I will do this week.

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