I see my light come shining...

That was a heartening round of applause. I’m humbled and grateful for your cheering. Thank you for the comments, hearts, and stars.

This morning Seth sent me an article on airborne and asymptomatic transmission that is helpful. A diagram about halfway through the article shows a room with window, fan, and air cleaner. This is exactly what our space was like on Saturday, so I feel we’re on the right track. I hope those of you who are returning to work have well-ventilated spaces to work in, but I worry for the many whose work spaces are sealed environments designed for recirculating air.

I offer another image of space in transition. Street-level windows. One business has failed.  Another hopes to open. But not yet. I think of Bob Dylan’s song, “I Shall Be Released.”

Our lives continue in transition as we go on living with the virus around us. Cristina’s uncle died from Covid-19 in Arizona on Sunday night. I feel her grief and our collective fear for our loved ones. It goes on. 

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