electric glass

By electricglass

This is Colorado!

So for the next two months Colorado is like this. Sunny and bright. 70-80 Degrees one day. Snow is on the ground the next day and just won't stop falling. This usually happens once a week until May.

Seems like I hear more grumbling about it then joy. This winter has been unnaturally dry. Authorities are already saying it's going to be a busy fire season due to the dryness. You would think people would be excited about any type of precipitation.

But no.

This is life falling from the sky people. We wouldn't be alive without it. Be happy and thankful. Not upset that it'll take you 10 minutes more to get to work.

I'm going to go shovel the walk with Joy now!!

Post: Did what I Did to brighten up the drab original and show life is present!
Upped Definition, Contrast Exposure, Vibrancy, White Balance. Shadow and Highlights
Photoshop work: Spotlight overlay added, Upped Shadow and Highlight a bit more and a bit of selective blur.

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