Training Reggie.

Phone camera collage for today. It's been pretty tough. Hayley back to work after maternity leave. She starts a new (brand new) position in September 'Trust lead for personal development' in education, but she still has several hours of teaching and with the Covid restrictions she is able to work from home to lesson plan for next year. This is all well and good, but with no childcare available, I needed to be available to help. As I can't travel away because of Ali's position she has come down here to work from our house while I look after the children at Jodie's home.

So, poor Reggie at 8 1/2 months all he's known is his Mummy, Daddy and sister Emmeline, so it's been hard going - he doesn't know me at all and all of a sudden I've taken him away from everything he knows. We had a lot of tears and he refused any food or liquid all day. Emmeline was wonderful at trying to comfort him. He alternated between tears, sleep and watching some You tube nursery rhymes. Thank goodness forYou tube - the singing is better than mine!

Jodie is lucky to have an allotment at the back of their garden, and later the children were so thrilled to pull out some carrots. Franky shot inside to wash his before it was photographed - like a fisherman with a prize catch.

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