
By simisue

100th BLIP

Today is my 100th blip,  & a huge milestone for me.
My husband, zimmt54, has been encouraging me to join Blip
for several years, but the stars were not align until
last Spring.  Covid-19 forced California to shut down & I suddenly had free time..  I needed something creative to keep me occupied & so I joined Blip.
Before last Spring, I would have seen this colorful Mini Cooper as a momentary amusement.  Now, I asked my husband to stop the car so I could take this blip.  I see the world very differently now.

It has been a wonderful diversion for me & a great hobby for my husband & I to do together.  We have explored our county looking for interesting
photo opportunities & discovered the far reaches of our part of the world.
Years from now, when I remember "Covid Times," what will come to mind will be how much fun I had, & how Blip has changed my life.

Many of you, all over the world, have welcomed me with your attention & left kind comments.  I appreciate that you take time out of your busy schedules  to see my blips every day.  I have learned from you,  been awed by you, & aspire to be worthy of your company. 

I look forward to my next 100 blips.....

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