The Granta

D took my car to Milton to get the windscreen fixed. I’ve been driving round for several weeks with a huge crack in it so very glad to get it replaced at last. This meant I had to go solo on my dog walk which felt a bit strange after all this time. I like this little stretch of river which almost has a Cumbrian feel to it.
Pops and I tackled Sainsbury’s this afternoon to get dinner and some bits for her birthday do. We’ve had a long discussion today about whether the girls could have beers on Saturday night and, after a conversation with the other girls parents, I relented and bought them some. I forget that as a summer baby, Poppy is still 14 (15 on Saturday ) but most of her friends are approaching 16 and at that age Alfie would often have a bottle of beer at the weekend. I know it’s hideously sexist, Just feels a bit different for girls.

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