The Squirrel's Back
The flipping squirrel is back and has destroyed and emptied another seed feeder in the garden. Can’t think why, that after 26 years, our garden is suddenly a target. Finlay got nowhere near it before it got away.
Apart from this horror we had a lovely day….met up with daughter, son-in-law and the granddaughters at Sundown Adventureland near Retford. They have just re-opened after lockdown and admission is by prebooked reservation. We have annual passes (which have been extended by four months) so just had to pay a £2 online fee that was refunded in vouchers, which we more than spent in the cafés and shops there!
We had our temperature checked on admission - lots of hand sanitisation stations around and cleaners very evident wandering around and wiping everything down. The queues for rides were a bit slower than usual as they were only letting people in every other car and were wiping down before letting people on. We still didn’t have to wait for more than a few minutes though!
The girls have changed so much in four months - it is so sad not to have seen them every week like before.
Back home by tea time and I took Finlay out for a short walk. He was a bit slow, but it was quite warm which always makes him struggle.
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