Life, Universe & Not Much

By micro43

The Castle at Dudley

Back to my theme for 2013, 'The Demon Drink'.

Today I went on the weekly group walk around Priory Park - a lot of work going on around the Pavilion, but not exciting enough to warrant a posting here. Afterwards I went into town to make a few purchases, and thought I might photograph 'The Old Priory' pub, but in the end it was 'The Castle' which seemed to be better for the day's photograph. Note the sign on the pub, which is painted from the other side of the castle keep, so the tower is on the opposite side in the sign from how we see it from this position! I did wonder whether to 'correct' the view in Photoshop, but although it might make the photo look better, I'd regard this as unacceptable manipulation of the image (unlike my removal of a spotlight from the bottom left of the image!).

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