"Aye, an was it her that got hit on the heid?"

"Aye, an carried on tae work, though no much was done as "the system" were doon."

"An then she were brought hame?"

"Aye, with a bloody great headache an all. She tried tae keep her eyes open though she were fane tae sleep. The man went an fetched her car in a blizzard."

"Good man."

"Aye. Anyways, she tried awfey hard not tae sleep as she'd heard ye shouldnae after a bang on the heid. But she drifted awhile."

"Tae bed did she?"

"Nay. It were meal time, and she roused hersen and seen tae the meal."

"Like ye do."

"Aye, like ye do. But after, e'en before the clearing, she were woozy and lapsed intae a stupor, an then maybe, then, he noticed she wasnae quite the thing. The man had tae clear the dishes though he was shootin' about it all the while."

"That would hae done her headache the good. Did he know she was flakin'?"

"Nae, he couldnae hear the flakin' above his hollerin'. Anyways, she has tae say she's off tae bed. In case he notices she's missin'."

"In case."

"Aye. An she took half a bar of bloody chocolate with her just tae spite him."

"Aye. Like ye do."

Thank you for your kind comments yesterday, I am feeling much better today and the headache has almost gone. These postcards arrived recently from my oldest (in time, not older than me as she is pleased to remind me each April) friend, and are a great challenge to my diet. I lapsed last night, and it was wonderful, thank you J!

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