love nature

By lovenature

Goddess of Health!

All good at work, with the children returning and very settled.  Every child has come back unless their circumstances have changed,  I think that's pretty good.
So we had a lovely session at the allotment with lots of stories, watering and mud!
I took a new route home on my bike and cycled past this lovely lady who seems a very appropriate character for presents times.  She is sitting above the pump room of the well, and now I know what she has in her cup!
'Between Dean Village and Stockbidge above the Water of Leith proudly stands a statue of the Greek Goddess of Health, Hygeia.

Protected by eight towering pillars, the deity stands atop of one of Edinburgh's best kept secrets - a spring said to be capable of curing all manner of ailments.
Known as St Bernard's Well, the enchanting structure has stood for 229 years.  It is named after St Bernard who lived in a cave close by'

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