You're Not My Father!

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Caro couldn't make it to Lulu Catsitting today so I walked over to Tiger and Loulou's cottage on my own. It's not a bad little walk, about 20 minutes.

As soon as I got there, Lulu Cat hid under the couch. 

I didn't take it personally. As someone who shares a house with a Nervous Cat, I thought that merely hiding under the couch wasn't too bad. 

But Lulu Cat also has one key weakness. Dreameez biscuits. You may have seen the advert where a cat smashes through the wall in order to get a Dreameez biscuit. This is no mere advertising hyperbole. All cats seem to LOVE these things.

So in today's picture you see a wary Lulu Cat, having come out from under the couch for a biscuit. As soon as I stopped giving them to her she buggered off though. 

In the extras, you can see her peering at me from the kitchen, and then from the other side of her cat door.

Tonight I'm planning to go and visit her armed with KFC. Soon she will love me.


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