
By ayearinthelife

Mother and Child Reunion

Mum’s 86th birthday today and fortunately the lockdown restrictions have been eased enough that I was able to not only see her, but also give her the hug she has missed so much.
I have to say I am quite surprised not to have had a phone call during the last four months advising of some sort of crisis. She has steadfastly refused to stay in the house and has probably been out and about more than I have. She has also managed to get the house re-carpeted and the kitchen plastered, as well as a complete refresh of the gardens.
I should add that this is not her house. She moved in with my sister the week before lockdown, after her house was sold, and immediately started taking over. I think my sister put up a bit of a fight for independence at first, but has now accepted the inevitable!
When asked what she thought of the coronavirus crisis, she described it as “very inconvenient”. I guess if you’ve lived through a World War, a Cold War and everything else we’ve had to put up with in the last thirty years, then a Global Pandemic doesn’t really rate that highly on a list of things to worry about!

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