
By cowgirl

Team Tideswell, expanding!

Emma, Louise and I arranged a hack out, but first we gave the younger ones a ride out.

I lead little Harriet on Edmund ( they’re in the majority of the pics ), Louise lead Alice on Lilly and Emma rode Libby, the youngest horse that she’s currently breaking in.

We ‘ warmed up’ with a ride around some of the farm fields, then had a little jumping session. Mostly that bit was Emma and Libby, with instructions to me and Louise about how high to put fences and how many strides to place trotting poles, but we did pop the little over some jumps ... which were really just the poles on the ground!

After that, we racked up the three older horses and had a good trot out together. I remembered what my chiropractor said about how athletes stretch but equestrians never do and did some stretching before and after, as last week I was a bit stiff post hack! It worked, I feel fine ( I’m back blipping )!

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