A big improvement!

An old redundant filling station in the village was demolished and new houses built. The old fence has been removed so a chance to take a peak before the new one goes up. They look very smart. 

A busy morning, Amber to the vets for her rash to be checked ...no improvement, so two sets of tablets have been supplied. 

Today I collected the medicine that was supposedly prescribed for me last Friday, but due to a breakdown in communication wasn’t. A right old mix up. 3 trips to the chemist and 5 phone calls to a variety of people was all it took to sort it out. Patience and persistence are necessary attributes these days !!!!

On a positive note, I did some work on my quilt top this afternoon. It’s growing on me :0) 

PS I've added a link to the picture posted in March '19, when the site was cleared and I was able to peer over the old fence

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