
By DramaQueen

Night Rider

My handsome hero is on shift tonight, as a volunteer rider for our local blood bike charity.
This is the second of the week; he also worked last night from 7pm to 2am.

What many people don’t realise is it is a totally voluntary service. The riders work 365 days a year, in all weathers and it’s not just blood that they carry. They carry medication, clinical notes, instruments and breast milk, basically anything that will fit on the bike!
During the pandemic they have transported Covid-19 samples (and also body bags minus body!at one point).
Mr A has been a volunteer for the past couple of years; starting off on his own motorbike, but since he passed his advanced rider course, he is able to use the liveried bikes....tonight’s is called ‘Stanley’, which is apt as we are in Accrington after all :-)

DQ x

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