Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Zoom Burst

It started raining and I thought doing something with that would make a decent blip.  Then I remembered reading this article and decided to try the technique.  Yes, a zoom burst effect can be achieved with a radial blur filter in Photoshop but what fun is that when you can experiment? 

I got this result on the second try but was never able to duplicate it. I was happy with the effect and the composition.  This is SOOC except for cutting it down from 20M.  It's not a stunning, amazing photograph but is a pretty decent example of what can be done with a camera, even if you don't know how or choose not to use processing programs.  I see a lot more experimentation coming in the future.

Last thing, on Monday I mentioned the immediate dust storm warning that came screaming into my ears.  There's a reason they consider these emergencies: check out this short report about dust storms/haboobs.
Ever wonder what the end of the world might look like?

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