What A Wednesday!

It started off with us putting the littlest monkey's bike in the boot of my car as she had her cycling proficiency at school today.

This was followed up by me driving into town and getting a flat tyre half way down North Denes Rd :? Thankfully Billy has this week off so was able to come to my rescue and change the tyre :D I got into college an hour & a half late! Oops! Still, at least I got there and I did a little writing up and processed a film so it wasn't completely wasted.

I cam home at about 1.30 this afternoon just before Josie & James came home. They very kindly said they would pick Arwen up from school, so I thought I would get some housework done. All upstairs is done - yay :D So, just downstairs to do tomorrow which won't take long and I will have time to get some more research and writing up to do :D

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