Strike that. Reverse it!


Mid week blues....

By blues I'm referring to the gorgeous blue sky on my walk into work. This was just before 8am this morning. Finally I'm not going into work when its dark, still leaving in the dark but it does feel like spring is approaching quickly. It was such a lovely morning today, I would have much preferred to be walking anywhere than into work!

This building is County Hall, which I've photographed several times. Its a lovely old building with stunning architectural features. It used to have a very ugly 1970's style extension which housed IT but this has fortunately been demolished. They then put a glass Fire Escape in its place which you can see on the photo. At first I wasnt sure about the addition but now I like how the modern looks against the old.

I work in a new, open plan building next to this. There are bits I love about the new build but I'm sure I would be so much happier in County Hall, a blippers paradise :0)

As I walked into work I was wondering if there was anyway I could start bringing in my camera bag, so I could get some better blips. Bearing in mind I have to pull a trolley with all my work things in (which is alot) and a huge handbag I'm not quite sure how I can but I'm working on a way. ;0) Oh well at least I have the compact camera.

Wednesday is usually my longest day in the office and it went really well and quickly today. I managed to get alot done which is always good.

Finally home and it looks like my biggest boy is poorly and may need to have his first ever day off school tomorrow, which he's really unhappy about. Another few years and I think he will change but its good that he loves school so much at the moment. Tommy on the other hand is now feigning illness in the hope of staying home!

Right best go and get some jobs done will be back to catch up later. Hope you've all had a lovely Wednesday. xxx

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