Stray Racing Pigeon

... and a real beauty!

She was spotted at the school yesterday, and given to Charmaine to 'nurse back' to normal life. We can't see any injury, and she seems quite content, but she refuses to fly!

Charmaine contacted the SA Recing Pigeon Society, gave them the numbers on her rings, they gave us the phone number of her owner, but he says he had to sell his pigeons because he has health problems, they were sold on an auction and he has no idea who the new owner is?

We thought it was a good idea to lest her go today, she is in immaculate condition and will surely be able to find her way back 'home', wherever in South Africa that may be, but NO!! She refuses to fly! She walked all over the back garden, to Lillian's rooom, and back, inspecting the whole yard, and then back to the cage where we kept her for the night!

What now? She is awesome!! Ronnie sr says we must keep her until her owner claims her, there is not really musch more we can do. It will only be a pleasure, in any case!

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