Clark Tales

By cclark

A whole new Galaxy!

SO...after 5 months of careful consideration I have decided to bite the bullet and ordered the Samsung GS3 - Everyone keeps expressing shock that I have moved away from Apple, but my current iPhone4 is THE ONLY apple product I have ever purchased! I won my iPad and prior to the iPhone I had a disaster with a Sony (broke 9times in an 18 month contract) and before that I had 3 consecutive Samsung phones - so more like a homecoming.

I am currently charging the new phone and going through the tedious process of making sure everything is off my old phone. Nightmare!

Today has been efficient, a sesh last night, not much of a headache but tired, had lots of form filling, so its a good thing I had to wait in for my phone delivery. An impromptu late lunch with Hev, then play time with the kids after Olivia finished school - good quality time! Tonight is chill night, work tomorrow!

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