Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess


It was a busy day in my home office working on client data.  I haven't even touched what I picked up yesterday for my other client.  

My cell phone has been having issues and I had to put everything aside and take it down to be repaired.  That was an experience.  We had a late afternoon thunderstorm - the first all month.  About the time I arrived at the Ape store, it started raining.  I noticed all the people lined up outside the store.  When I arrived at the front, I mentioned I had an appointment. A security guard motioned me over.  I had on my facemask, of course, but he had to take my temperature and I had to answer a bunch of questions about my health.  Then, he told me I had to wait at the back of the line . . . in the rain.  I didn't mind too much since it was so hot.  And it wasn't more than a couple of minutes and I was under the building overhang.  Finally, my turn came and I was called into the store where I was subjected to hand sanitizer squirted in my hand and told to stay at least 6 feet away for anyone else.  I was led to a table and imperiously told to sit.  A "technician" came out wearing gloves (and a face mask of course).  She asked for my phone and promptly proceeded to clean it thoroughly with a sanitizing wipe.  She then handed it back to me, asked me to unlock it, then took it back and wiped it down again.  She then ran diagnostics on it and told me nothing was wrong with it and that I should check with my cellular service.  They then issued me out of the store promptly.  

When I got back home, I decided to do a full reset on the phone as a last ditch effort.  I really don't want to purchase another phone.  Well, the full reset did the trick.  

I guess I should have tried that before I went.  Hmmm . . .

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