
"Where do you want your knocker?" asked the joiner today. The only reason I didn't giggle like an idiot is because I am so totally f****d off that this door saga has dragged on for almost ayear and a half!

The end is now in sight. Our new door is in/on and there is only some snagging to complete. Can you believe these were the locks on our original door? Looks a tad scary from this angle.

In other news, today I received the following call:

Woman - "Is that Miss Alan Peter?"
Me - "No".
Woman - "Can I speak to Miss Alan Peter?"
Me - "No".
Woman - "Does Miss Alan Peter not live there?"
Me - Now gouging my own eyes out and thinking the following: "No, You freaking idiot. Since when would a 'Miss' have the first name Alan???!!!

And by the way, in case you cold call me again it's Mrs Alan Peter, not Miss. Dumb dumb.

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