2045. It’s been six years...
.....since Mom passed away and I still can’t quite believe that I won’t see her again....
This ring was hers and when I got it home I realised that one of the opals was missing. I got the opal replaced and the ring checked over as I thought some of the claws were loose. It still occasionally catches on things so I’m very careful when I wear it these days as I don’t want to damage it further as it’s very special.
It’s days like these when I realise that family squabbles are pointless and a waste of energy and most of all time. I often think about my estranged sister on the anniversaries of Mom and Dad’s passing and how a silly squabble meant that she was out of our lives for over 25 years and now out of mine for coming up to 6 years. She recently contacted my other sister to ask if she was ok during the bush fires but I haven’t heard from her for far too long. I could email her but I’m not sure that she would even reply or if she did that there would not still be some recriminations and going over old ground. We do not agree on why we fell out...it was at a time of great loss for us both.....perhaps one day....but time is passing, she will be 69 this year and I’m 63...I guess time is all we have left....
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