
By BlipCommunity

#BCsplash Showcase

This dramatic image from blipper martindawe in the UK caught quite a few people's eyes recently - it caught ours too! 

We also loved the reactions from other blippers - here's just a few:

- "The madly swirling scarf just makes!" 
- "Something out of an Alfred Hitchcock movie?!"
- "Time to adjust the sails..."
- "Jousting with the wind."

"It's like a famous painting!"


Remember we're looking for inspiring or uplifting or creative or bold or a stunning landscapes or a magnificent macro or… yes, all sorts of things! 

Essentially, pick out the photos that you believe would make an appealing first impression to visitors and add the tag: #BCsplash.  

In the extras, you can see the image resized for Facebook and Twitter.  This might help when you're deciding which images to tag as we will need to crop images to these dimensions. If you're not sure but you love your image, tag it - we'll be pleased to see you taking part and will enjoy taking a look.

Thank you for helping us showcase Blipfoto alongside your photos.

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