Elecampane - Inula helenium - Wild Sunflower

16°C  -  15 mph WSW Wind Speed  -  21 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy  -  Sunny Intervals.  Elecampane  -  is a large herbaceous perennial and has lots of common names, the one I like best is Wild Sunflower. Mine grows to about 4 ft (122 cm) and the flowers are about 4 inches (10 cms) across. The Butterflies and Bumble Bees are particularly attracted to it and  -  as you might see if you look closely so are little black beetles  It is used widely in medicines and liqueurs. The name Inula comes from Helen of Troy, from whose tears it is said to have sprung. If you want to learn more this is a particularly good LINK!

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